New Year's Day 2015: Goal Setting Fun

We interrupt your hangover cure processes to bring you this important message: I really couldn't give two feathers about New Years Eve. It's always overhyped, over-anticipated and a total disappointment. But New Years Day I LOVE. It's a free day off in the middle of the week where you get to do what I am doing right now: set goals and intentions for the coming year.  I've broken my goals down into two categories: house projects and daily living. Let's dive in shall we?

House Projects in 2015:

We've already done so much to the house that it seems crazy to have enough projects going forward to make a proper list, but... have you met me? Read this blog? You know my love for a list and a project runs deep. JUDGMENT FREE ZONE PEOPLE!

Laundry Room

In 2015 I want to finish the laundry room.  Luckily for us, the stenciling is almost done and the new units get delivered this weekend. I still need LB to build the bench top and the floating shelves, and I need to track down some gold hooks (that aren't $24 each).  A trip to Goodwill is in order as is a date with my Rub 'n Buff me thinks. IMG_2823

I want to take out the wall between the kitchen and living room and get a bench top/island in there. Since this is a $2,000+ project, it might not happen this year. #gettingoutofdebt



We are so close to totally finishing the master bedroom. We need a headboard and some art for the walls and then this puppy is D-U-N-E done. (Last night, Finley was spelling SANTA, S-A-N-T-O. Out of a solidarity, I am making some discreet vowel changes today).


Get a new couch in the upstairs living room. I want a sectional. I need a sectional. Our house is the gathering place for my peeps and I want to make sure that we all have enough room to sit comfortably. Which we don't, currently.


Build/stain/do SOMETHING with the orange dining room table. The dining room is another area were we are SO DARN CLOSE to being done.

And finally, paint the trim black around the outside of the house. I have the paint and need it to not be -3 so that I can do it. Truth be told, in totally lame and not at all DIY of myself, we might hire this out. Something about me or/and LB on a ladder painting makes me think, "No. Just NO."

Daily Living Changes

The biggest thing that I am incorporating this year is a recommitment to think, act, and speak with more LOVE. It's that simple really.


For my Christmas present, Esther sent me a Kindle version of A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles."  I started reading it on December 30, and as of today, I have 45 underlined or highlighted passages.  I encourage you to read this with us as I have a feeling I am going to make a printable of all of these gorgeous love quotes.  So dive in. Speak. Act. Think. Love with a heart that recognizes that it is all, through and through, made from, desires to be the thing that we all know and crave: LOVE.


In alignment with my LOVE recommitment, I am going to try ever harder this year, to speak LB's love language. Mainly: Acts of Service. He is not joking when he says that he would rather I clean up after myself than tell him that I love him.  Sometimes this is exhausting because I feel like I am already doing so much in other areas of our lives together that him telling me I am not doing enough seems... well... insulting. But Loving Well does mean dying to self so we will definitely be working on this area (6.5 years and counting. Isn't marriage funny that way? Every marriage has a sticking point. A place that ALWAYS needs extra love, grace, and patience. I choose VERY DIFFICULTILY to say that this is what makes love and life interesting).


I also am going to continue to love on my people. My friends are just such incredible people and I always feel that I can do better for them. It's as simple as not allowing us to skip girl's night every week and making special plans to hang out with them every once in a while. I have to be careful here though because I *COUGH*COUGH* have a tendency to overbook myself. Balance folks. Balance.


I never in 8 million years thought that I would have an exercise goal as part of my New Years plan. But never say never. I MUST get to the gym three days a week this coming year. It is time to recommit after my shoulder surgery in September. I don't care if I just go and ride the bike. I just must go. Let me be clear: this is not about weight and it never is for me. It is about health. Get all huffy puffy while walking to work is just ridiculous now.

So share. What are you focusing on in this upcoming year?

Bachelorette Party & Rehearsal Dinner

Here's how my week last week went down:

  • Wednesday: Bachelorette Party
  • Thursday: up to Breck for rehearsal dinner
  • Friday: rehearsal and set up at Dry Gulch
  • Saturday: GET MARRIED!!!

So let's get started with the recap!

Bachelorette Party Wednesday

My bachelorette party last Wednesday was so fun y'all. Ashley planned it all out and it was perfect. Just the right amount of silly mixed with a fun night with all of my girls in Denver. We went to Amato's in Denver and sat on their roof deck. The view, the weather, the everything was perfect.  And the cute waiters didn't hurt either. I don't have a ton of shots from the night because secrets. But here are a few of my mom, sister, E, and I getting ready to hit the town! IMG_1777

Apparently, my mom and I both stand with our hands on our hips when waiting for my sister. She's FINALLY ready.

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Skipper is ready to party too obviously.


Rehearsal Dinner Thursday

On Thursday we all loaded up to Breckenridge and had our rehearsal dinner at Breckenridge Brewery. We got everyone's welcome bags and gifts handed out and I got to catch up with Anna and Chris (our officiant). Two of their kiddos were also in the wedding and it was awesome to have them here. We miss them a lot since they now live in Utah.

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At the dinner, LB got surprised yet again by two of his favorite people from growing up. One of them lives on the other side of the world and flew all the way to Colorado to celebrate with LB. I was so happy to do this for him.

Some of us gals got together and took some silly shots after the dinner in our hotel room. Things devolved rapidly after these first two "normal" pictures...

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Strike a pose Katie! Whip your hair E!

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Sexy is back.


Friday Rehearse and Set Up

The next morning a few of us walked up to Starbucks to prepare for the long day of rehearsal and set up at the site. I couldn't ask for better walking companions for this gorgeous morning stroll.

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I love that this wedding was a whole weekend with my favorite people. People were running into each other all over town and it really made it feel like a special occasion. One of my highlights was running into Andy that Friday morning at Starbucks. I had trouble not bursting into tears every time I saw him since I knew that once we got back to Denver he wasn't going to be living with us anymore. We forged on though and everyone said they had a blast... I know I did.

Breckenridge stole my heart during my wedding weekend. I have always liked it but now, with the sweet memories we have from there, I love it.

Stay tuned for some wedding pictures from my DJ... as we wait for the goldmine from Preston. Our DJ Perry Washington took almost 500 pictures of our day. WOAHSA!