You Rub, And Buff! (It's the bend & snap of DIY)

Thank you so much for your sweet responses to my post yesterday. You guys really are lovely. I posted on my pinterest finds I was loving a few weeks ago about Rub 'n Buff. Well, that stuff was hard to track down at Michael's... the only place that carries it around me. I ended up getting the silver leaf that I used for this project at Michael's, but ordered the gold leaf from Amazon. I couldn't wait/call/stalk Michael's and their non-committal truck schedule anymore. 20140414-104723.jpg So, these green side tables had ugly handles still. As did the nightmare of a coffee table. IMG_0038


So I grabbed a paper towel, the silver leaf rub 'n buff and just applied a dime size glob to the handle and started rubbing all sides of it with my finger. I let it sit totally covered for about a minute and then started buffing it off with the paper towel. I let them sit out overnight just in case they needed to dry or anything crazy like that and then screwed them back in. I told you this was a quick and easy update. IMG_0037



Truly Lovely

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Also on Craft Dictator and Someday Crafts & Turn it up Tuesday!