A Reflection On Our Wedding

The search engine terms for this post are going to suck, but I don't care. I've got to get my thoughts about the wedding down and I also wanted to share all of the paper goods that Rachel Harding designed for us for the wedding. This is the combo post that I like to call: Reflections on the wedding/All of our Paper Goods Awesomeness since the wedding is over now and you can't crash it. Hickey Final Invitation 1

After the wedding we did this thing with everyone asking what their top three moments from the day were... this list will combine their answers as well as LB and I's own reflections. There aren't going to be topic sentences or transitions that make sense with the pictures. They are just going to be moments in sentence or list form because that is how they live in my brain right now.

Before I started getting my makeup and hair done, Jess and Sophie and I prayed and cried together. "Oh.... the tears are happening." Having LB's sister's blessing was awesome. Slamming a sandwich that either Katie or E made for me while getting my hair done. Having Preston show up to start taking pictures in our room. Hugging Anna and Cozette and Aurora. Putting my dress on and having my sister zip it up while I exhaled. Looking in the mirror and saying out loud, "I look like a bride. I look more beautiful that I ever have." AND REALLY meaning it. Loading into the car with Karen to head up to the wedding and getting stuck behind DJ Perry Washington.


Trying to sneak a few pictures in on the porch of the cabin but running back inside because LB and the guys got there WAY too fast. The picture of Henry and I before the ceremony. Spotting my handsome husband out the window in his suit. Peeing (that's all I'll say). The moment praying with E and the girls before walking down the aisle and my solo moment with E when I heard "Not With Haste" start to play and I got so excited that it was all finally happening. LB turning, gasping and crying when he saw me start to walk down the aisle towards him. OUR VOWS. LB being silent because he was too choked up to even say all of his vows. The entire ceremony and the thunder that clapped and threatened but never rained on us. Chris' british accent while doing our ceremony and his story of chasing a drunk driver. I have never seen so many people crying at a wedding and it was SO touching to be so loved.

Hickey RSVP Draft 3

LB and I back up in the cabin together where LB just broke down crying, sat down and said, "I just feel like I need to cry for about 30 minutes." (That Preston stayed outside of the cabin and shot us hugging and talking from out there is so impressive to me). ALL OF THE TIME THAT WE WERE HIKING UP THE MOUNTAINS IN MY BLUE SHOES WITH PRESTON. Preston saying, "I am nailing this you guys." All of the photography and videography people losing their minds over the scenery and the light. Ben, the videographer saying, "Every time I was about to get something awesome I was either laughing or crying." Preston saying, "You guys almost got me crying a few times."

Hickey Rehearsal Dinner Final

LB and I's first dance with the kids who joined us. The cake cutting where we were so gentle with each other. LB holding the box of Voodoo donuts for everyone to have some. Esther and Andy's speeches and the tears that came from them. Don't even get me started on me trying to thank Katie and crying and saying "Shit." to a room full of kids. :) Speaking of Katie, I must say without pause that one of my top three was when Katie pulled just LB and I aside and told us through tears how much she has learned from us about relationships. I won't share more here because it was such a holy moment for the three of us that I am tearing up right now just writing that.

Hickey Menu 2

All of the dancing with all of the people and all of the dancing with my girls. Ashley stealing wine from other tables #checkthechiffon. Idiot Boyfriend. Sam and Alan being able to rock out with us. The "Bridesmaids" picture. Andy telling me I have great dance moves. Me FINALLY seeing Andy's rhythm that LB has been talking about for years. THE KIDS DANCING NONSTOP. Coming down from the mountain and seeing everyone at all of the different stations we designed for the wedding: cornhole, slides, swings, getting drinks, making s'mores, chatting in the tent, photobooth, lounging, dancing. LB finally coming and dancing with me and the girls. Esther and Karen organizing our sparkler exit. Going down the mountain and finding it so hard to say goodbye to Preston. Walking into our honeymoon suite to find LB's dad standing there in his underwear. (<--- that happened)

Hickey Program 1

Bachelorette Party & Rehearsal Dinner

Here's how my week last week went down:

  • Wednesday: Bachelorette Party
  • Thursday: up to Breck for rehearsal dinner
  • Friday: rehearsal and set up at Dry Gulch
  • Saturday: GET MARRIED!!!

So let's get started with the recap!

Bachelorette Party Wednesday

My bachelorette party last Wednesday was so fun y'all. Ashley planned it all out and it was perfect. Just the right amount of silly mixed with a fun night with all of my girls in Denver. We went to Amato's in Denver and sat on their roof deck. The view, the weather, the everything was perfect.  And the cute waiters didn't hurt either. I don't have a ton of shots from the night because secrets. But here are a few of my mom, sister, E, and I getting ready to hit the town! IMG_1777

Apparently, my mom and I both stand with our hands on our hips when waiting for my sister. She's FINALLY ready.

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Skipper is ready to party too obviously.


Rehearsal Dinner Thursday

On Thursday we all loaded up to Breckenridge and had our rehearsal dinner at Breckenridge Brewery. We got everyone's welcome bags and gifts handed out and I got to catch up with Anna and Chris (our officiant). Two of their kiddos were also in the wedding and it was awesome to have them here. We miss them a lot since they now live in Utah.

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At the dinner, LB got surprised yet again by two of his favorite people from growing up. One of them lives on the other side of the world and flew all the way to Colorado to celebrate with LB. I was so happy to do this for him.

Some of us gals got together and took some silly shots after the dinner in our hotel room. Things devolved rapidly after these first two "normal" pictures...

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Strike a pose Katie! Whip your hair E!

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Sexy is back.


Friday Rehearse and Set Up

The next morning a few of us walked up to Starbucks to prepare for the long day of rehearsal and set up at the site. I couldn't ask for better walking companions for this gorgeous morning stroll.

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I love that this wedding was a whole weekend with my favorite people. People were running into each other all over town and it really made it feel like a special occasion. One of my highlights was running into Andy that Friday morning at Starbucks. I had trouble not bursting into tears every time I saw him since I knew that once we got back to Denver he wasn't going to be living with us anymore. We forged on though and everyone said they had a blast... I know I did.

Breckenridge stole my heart during my wedding weekend. I have always liked it but now, with the sweet memories we have from there, I love it.

Stay tuned for some wedding pictures from my DJ... as we wait for the goldmine from Preston. Our DJ Perry Washington took almost 500 pictures of our day. WOAHSA!