Retail Therapy for Mom and Baby

I am taking Glennon Melton's advice and not writing from the open wounds, and waiting to share until a little more peace and healing and settling has happened in our lives. Just know that while this month has been the hardest and most trying that we have ever had, we are all alive. I am more grateful for that than I ever have been. Both LB and I are very bodily (him: knee surgery, ICU stay. Me: car accident) and spiritually sore at the moment. And truthfully, wrung out. 

So I am sharing what new fun things I have bought as a form of light retail therapy in the past few weeks. (#coping). If I didn't spend money at Amazon or Target I would be a wealthy woman. I mean that genuinely and truly. 

LB sucks at Mother's Day. Period. He has had two tries and he just blows it each time. So, I have taken the reigns and decided to just celebrate myself as a damn good mom this year. Here's what I got for myself: 

And because part of Mother's Day is that I am a mom... here is the Lyla goodness that she is digging lately. 

  • This sweet yoga book. They do yoga at her school and she is really into it. 
  • Really good, easily spreadable organic-ish sunscreen for kiddos and family. I reeeeeeeally like this stuff. Best we have tried. 
  • While it is creepily funny to watch your one and a half year old baby run around with a knife, she loves to chop vegetables and she can't be stopped. 
  • A great water table. All kids love them. They just freaking do. I am not creative enough to make one of these on our own and for $40, this thing rocks. 

So like I said. A little low-key retail therapy for the Bennett Fam. What are you digging lately? If you tell me it will make me happy for even 5 minutes, I'll do it. I'll buy it. 



Monday Musings 002

Watched The Nice Guys with LB and laughed my butt off. Totally a rated R situation, but the little actress in it, Angourie Rice, is crazy talented. 

This fun rocker for the playroom remains on my wish list for the new house. So cute. 

I finished I woke up dead at the mall and it was great. Totally and completely great. Basically read it in a day. Up next are these three: One True Loves, What She Knew, and The Bed Moved

Began watching UnReal on Lifetime and it is binge-worthy goodness... especially as a diehard Bachelor/Bachelorette fan.

Speaking of binging, maybe don't freak out just yet about what is being called the "Netflix ruling." Netflix CEO has previously said that password sharing isn't a problem for them. Also, can you imagine the resources that Netflix would have to expend in order to enforce no password sharing?!? Nightmare. 

I love all things Umbra... case in point: Modern jewelry box and practical, beautiful storage. ZING!

Do you have a friend who washes out their ziplock bags and reuses them? Get them these instead. Brilliant. 

Good to keep in mind before you head to Ikea to furnish your house with your significant other. Be sure to avoid the "divorce maker!" LOL

I've been doing a big of research into grasscloth wallpaper (I have a vision for the formal dining room that we are making into a bar room and I will not be stopped). This article made me more confused than ever on the "should I hire this out" debate. 

A puzzle mixed with a piece of art?!? Adorb.