Living in a Two Couch Living Room

I was born and bred as a person who cares what her space looks like (note: I am not an interior designer by any stretch of the imagination), in small spaces. There was only one configuration for things that made any logical sense. But this beasty living room has baffled me. 

Listing photo. 

Listing photo. 

How many chairs do I need? More than one couch? A sectional? Again a sectional? What about ottomans? I can't have more than one of those. HOW THE HELL SHOULD I FILL THIS SPACE?!?

SO when a Series of Unfortunate Events (TM) occured with our existing Interior Define couch and they offered to send us another one (OHHHHHH... 3 months ago. Hardly any time at all really. SMH), I calmly and politely said, "Oh sure, I guess I can find space for it." Yeah. Freaking. Right. Like a spider monkey I said, "Hell yes. Send it. Send it now." 

The first iteration of this room looked fine. Heck, we lived with it for like 7 months. 

The second/new couch was delivered and the living room finally feels full.*

*I still want to change the blinds out to white.**

**I still want to add crown moulding.***

***And a few more poufs. We use them all the time on the floor with Lyla. 

Lyla's downstairs toys are in the corner because they are in the corner. And she exists. And has stuff. That's the thing with this room: to me it feels grown up and modern, but is totally kid safe and comfortable. 

Under the white cabinet on this side is our maid: Zoila. Our made is operated by iphone and/or the touch of the button. We named her Zoila in honor of Jeff from Flipping Out (his maid Zoila has been with him upwards of 20 years). Zoila has been with us for almost a year and we love her truly. Lyla thinks the most fun thing is to chase the Roomba/Zoila around and my favorite thing is to see all of the dust and dog hair she scoops up. 

So those are the tales from our living room. I am coping in my super problematicly large living room. NO need to send help. I am fine. :) 

