It's Gettin' Art in Here!

I posted last Tuesday about Volume twenty five and their adorable prints. Along with the awesome laundry print I got, I also ordered these bad boys: IMG_0501 I love the rain in this one-- reminds me of home and how even with rain, things still work out. Sometimes, even more beautifully than before. I just went back to Volume twenty five's site and saw that they are from Washington... this all makes sense now! PNW for life (from a distance). IMG_0502 This one just evokes a sense of whimsy and I dig it.

Truth be told, these prints are probably going to end up in a baby room at some point... they've just got that kind of vibe. But I am digging them for now as something to add a little color to the gym room. That room just needs a ton of help. Speaking of, I had LB hang this old school painting that I did. I am thinking that the two prints above would look great flanking this one:

IMG_0589 I think it is poetic in a sense that my craft supplies are sneaking into the corner of this picture talking about where you invest your love. Because really, I do LOVE making stuff and learning as I go. Also, let's just appreciate how AWESOME this blue paint color is (Black Pepper by BMoore)! IMG_0591

How did I do this? So easy.

  1. Buy a colorful old painting at the thrift store on a half-off Saturday.
  2. Get a fun color of Martha craft paint and a cheap brush.
  3. Then buy sticky letters... they are usually in the back of Michaels by the poster boards.
  4. Measure out your design/saying with a ruler and stuff.
  5. Stick the letters down and then paint the entire canvas.
  6. Let dry for about 5 minutes and then carefully pull off the letters-- cleaning up any paint edges where the paint might have bled through.

The letters look like this:


Last tip? Use a Mumford quote cause they are the best at life, singing and speaking and stuff.


Mumford & Dad

Tonight at church the guest speaker was Marcus Mumford's dad. Again, if you know LB and I at all you know that we are borderline obsessed with Mumford; my happy place is listening to Not With Haste envisioning myself walking down the aisle to LB on our wedding day. Further, the happiest day of my life to date has been the Mumford concert at Red Rocks. So. You can imagine that when Marcus' dad got up there to speak, we were floored. His message was beautiful: you need three things to serve Jesus.

Love Jesus. Be alive. And be nervous.

Then our conversation afterwards yielded this gem amongst a lifetime of memories that came from getting to meet Mumford's dad.

The stages of grief are like orbiting planets. Just when you think you've tackled one stage it swings back around gets ya. Take the time to sit and cry. It's important.

To add to the amazingness that happened this evening, on the one year anniversary of Trenton's passing, the Mumford's are hosting a spiritual night at church. Eleanor Mumford: "Come and cry your eyes out."