End of an Era

It is the end of law school. The end of my years and years and years of higher education. I graduated last Saturday and I must say that I have never felt more proud of myself. Accomplishing this task has been years (EONS) in the making and finally crossing that hurdle was an incredible feeling. I have been able to reflect back on a lot of different aspects of the last three years these last few days and here are a few gems that stand out:

  • LB and I's relationship has changed so much during the course of law school. We have been able to develop a very sweet and comfortable rhythm with each other and to our relationship. He has shown me that he is in my corner and will support me no matter what. I never fear that I am going to outshine him professionally because even if I do, he is just so stinking proud of me that it doesn't matter.
  • I am a badass. I can take any task and not only conquer it, but excel at it. Things that have seemed impossible to master (securities law???) have been tackled, owned, and learned. That is a pretty powerful feeling.
  • I still stress way too much.
  • I have incredible friends and people in my life. My friends are my family and I am so blessed to know so many awesome sauce people. They are all so very very different but I always look forward to spending time with them. (THIS MAKES ME SO EXCITED FOR OUR WEDDING!!!)
  • I am well loved.
  • God is good.
  • God has blessed me beyond measure with the little life that I am now building.

Now that law school is over, I get to study for the bar for the next two months. The schedule is rigorous, and it is going to suck, but bullet point 2 above says I can do this.


The Wrap Up

Since the title of this blog is "treana's transitions," I would be remiss if I did not blog about how difficult it has been to push through this last transition of finishing law school. I could potentially be done with finals in about three weeks and I am grossly unprepared. The real issue is not that I am unprepared, the issue is that I do not want to get prepared... at all. I just want to be done... now. I know that it will be fine and things will wrap up just as they are supposed to, but man...plowing through this last little jaunt of finals seems like the world's biggest ask... and I just want to say "no." 

So, I, along with the world's other 3L's will suck it up, plow through, and make lemons out of lemonade... or something like that.

In other awesome news... Ashley's wedding is FINALLY this weekend. After our freak "blizzard" today, I am excited to fly out tomorrow morning to get this girl hitched. :) Let's do this future Fellows'!