Thoughts on Writing

And now... some real talk that has nothing to do with renovating your house... just your life. :) I love writing. I am not a great writer, but I like to do it. It calms me and riles me up. It awakens me and lets me rest. I am grateful that I was given the tools... well, taught how to use the tools to express myself.  In a lot of ways, writing saved my life.  Case in point: when I was FINALLY dealing with a lot of family stuff that I had put off dealing with for many years, I told my therapist that I was petrified to start tackling it all. This fear seemed all consuming. It was choking me out (hence, why I was in therapy).

"Why are you afraid?" she asked.

"I am afraid that if I start crying and processing I will never be able to stop."

She didn't even look at me like a cuckoo bird you guys! Instead, she nodded knowingly (like all therapists do) and the proceeded to give me the greatest tip ever.

She said, "Every day I want you to set the timer for 20 minutes and then I want you sit with the open page and a pen."

"And write?"

"It depends," she responded. "If you feel like writing and you have the words. Write. If you don't, don't. But you must sit there... still... for 20 minutes. When that timer goes off, you need to dry yourself off (from the tears, obviously) and go do something else. Take Skipper for a walk. LEAVE the house."


The first three days I did this, not a word was on the page. I just cried and heaved and cried some more. But without fail, that timer would go off and I would leave with Skipper and we would get about the business of getting about the business. Eventually words, sentences and paragraphs found their way onto the pages of various journals. But I never lost sight of the true exercise my therapist was having me perform: being still and thinking.

Writing lets me sit in my meadow of grief. It creates the meadow of grief. Writing lets me process that grief. It gives me a way OUT of the meadow while simultaneously drawing me back into it. Without writing, I would not be me. I would not be able to love. Period. So, yes. Because writing saved my life, because writing forces me to be vulnerable, because writing has given a voice to the things that I fear most, I love writing.

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What about you? Any moments of sitting with the blank page and your own mess?

Blogiversary: 2 Years

This blog is now 2 years old. Woah. In honor of House of Bennetts' big birthday, we're gonna take a little a trip (take a litle trip with meeeeee... the song... anyone?) down memory lane, stopping at some of my favorite posts and some historically important ones. Buckle up kids, it's gonna be fun. May 28, 2012: My First Post

Highlights: I was working at a firm for the summer feeling like this whole law school thing was going to work out. I made crazy promises about updating on a weekly basis.

Many people don’t even recognize that they are constantly transitioning into the next phase of life and are surprised when they look around and ask themselves the age old question: How did I get here??? and simply do not have an answer in reply. It is my hope to make myself more aware of my transitions as they happen and also to make sure that I am honest as those things are happening.

July 14, 2012: Panic at the Disco

Highlights: One of my most honest posts about where I struggle with my type A, worrier self.  Just re-reading this makes me see how much I have grown in my relationship with LB and my friends.

This record, unfortunately, is not set to the tune of disco music. The record sounds much more like this: “You decided to go to law school because you want to prove something to everyone else and now you are in $200K worth of debt; you really think you are ready to get married… are you sure you don’t want to “see what’s out there”; your skin is awful; you have no money and no financial security; you have no family; you cycle through friends like you cycle through sunglasses; you, pretty much, should just freak out right about now.”

July 25, 2012: Chore Chart for Adults

Highlights: Legit my second most popular post ever. Looking at the lack of graphics and terrible font now just make me embarassed. I should probably fix this post sometime.

Update: introduced the chart to LB last night and it spawned a most interesting discussion. A few of the memorable quotes were: “You thrive under structure, and I hate it.”

October 16, 2012: ENGAGED!

Highlights: DUH! We got engaged!

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October 18, 2012: Eulogy to my Brother

Highlights: 5 days after LB and I got engaged, my brother was hit and killed while riding his bike home from work. I posted the eulogy that I read at his funeral.

I am sorry that I could not be there for you during your dark times. It just hurt me so much to see you suffer through things in ways that I could not understand. For sure, we made different choices to deal with our pain, but I knew deep down that you were always trying to do better. Better for yourself. Better for your son. And, whether you knew it or not, better for me. I am sorry that I had to disconnect to break the cycle and part of disconnecting the cycle meant disconnecting with you. I am sorry that when I thought about you, I did not reach out… I always thought I would have more time to do that or that you would do it first… you always had to be first… except in playing HORSE—I was so much better at basketball than you.

November 16, 2012: Thank You List to LB

Highlights: A list of some of things that I love about Mr. LB.

He doesn’t judge my grief–like the fact that I was up until 3:30am last night watching Dawson’s Creek because I could not sleep.

He rolls over and snuggles me every single morning before he gets out bed.

November 20, 2012: I got my Dream Job!

Highlights: I got the best phone call of my life!

I am so grateful and overwhelmed by the fact that over a thousand people competed for this job nationwide and I got it. They picked me. They believed in me and are giving me a chance to shine. It just doesn’t seem real and I don’t know when it will. I really feel relief and gratefulness. Sheer gratefulness.

March 8, 2013: Will you be my flower girl?

Highlights: My third most popular post ever & my first posting on projects for the wedding.

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Letter to BM, pictures of wedding inspiration, a "your role" handout, and a list of "my girls" with an explanation about each of them.

May 23, 2013I graduated from law school!

Highlights: I did it y'all.

I am a badass. I can take any task and not only conquer it, but excel at it. Things that have seemed impossible to master (securities law???) have been tackled, owned, and learned. That is a pretty powerful feeling.

August 26, 2013: Then I started my job!

Highlights: I started earning a paycheck!

 I am feeling so incredibly blessed. I spent three hours going through orientation this morning and the broad range of federal and agency benefits. I AM IN AWE. Working for the government certainly has its perks.

October 8, 2013: Thoughts on Rest

Highlights: I blogged a lot around this time about needing to rest and to stop. Some of my more honest posts for sure.

No matter what awaits for us, we cut it off. We walk away and leave things as they are because they will still be there when we return. We can’t solve it all right now/right away. It’s impossible– and if we wait for it all to be perfect, then we will never live peacefully.

October 26, 2013: Dear Sugar Printable

Highlights: I created this printable that is still in my office at work and in a frame in LB and I's room. My favorite dear sugar quote? "Eight of the ten things you have decided about yourself, will over time prove to be false."

For my very first ever book club, we read Dear Sugar by Cheryl Strand. She is incredible. This book is incredible. I recommend that everyone from every walk of life read it and love it immediately.

December 12, 2013: Then We Bought A HOUSE!

Highlights: I am so glad that I have this photo of our house pending... what a great adventure we were starting.


December 30, 2013: Work Life Balan... Chaos.

Highlights: I sent this email to a friend of mine and shared it with y'all.

But in the end, I know that I made my choice for a LIFE and I’d make that choice EVERYDAY forever and ever (AMEN). So yes, it might bother you if people give you shit for working part time or changing jobs again, but don’t apologize for living your truth. We’re too damn old for that horseshit.

January 28, 2014: Before Tour House Post

Highlights: We got the before pictures and shared them here. LOOK AT ALL THE POO BROWN!

February 10, 2014Rustoleum Countertop DIY

Highlights: I never would have guessed that this would be our most popular post ever, but after a comment on, over 1,000 people in one day came to check out our countertops.  


Rustoleum Countertops DIY

April 10, 2014Painting a Metal Front Door

Highlights: A post that is growing by the day! People love paint! 


Painting a Metal Front Door

May 1, 2014Free Budget Spreadsheet & Advice

Highlights: The post I am the proudest of because I put it off forever and spent the most time on it.

 If you are married or thinking about getting married, it is the number one thing that I recommend you do with your spouse. Period. The course basically teaches you Dave Ramsey’s way of doing things and it saved LB and I’s financial and marital lives. I received the following spreadsheet from my FPU leader and have made some tweaks since receiving it. Go ahead and download the blank one and click around on it a little bit.

May 2, 2014Current House Tour & DIY Project Page

Highlights: I finally got the whole "pages" thing figured out and created a page with a current house tour -- it has to-do lists! I also finally created a table with all of our DIY projects. I use the DIY page the most when looking for something to share on other link parties/blogs.

Whole House Tour

May 25, 2014Link Party!

Highlights: Our first LINK Party! 


Let me finish this up by saying that I am so grateful for each and every person that reads this blog. Whether you are an "in person" friend of the House of Bennetts or a virtual friend just made through this blog, YOU ARE SUPER APPRECIATED!