Store Stalking Sundays: Colorado Love Edition

Last week Kim and I went and walked around the mall area on 16th street (the whole thing is sort of like a mall, but there is a main area with a movie theatre). We saw an adorable Corgi in the window of the I Heart Denver Store and headed right on in. Now, not only do I love Denver more after being in here, but I love this store! It featured a TON of local artists. I got my stalk on with my iPhone and looky what I found! The perfect shirt for a swearer like me... I curse like a sailor. True story. 20140430-083106.jpg

These little modern pendant lights would be perfect in the right space. I envision a study with a round table and one of these bad boys just chilling there. 20140430-083143.jpg

This sweet little Denver print out lists all of the things that locals love. Now, I disagree with a few of them: I am not a Snooze fan and the people at Fancy Tiger are rude, but most of the others I either know of or LOVE! 20140430-083136.jpg

A bright aqua dish towel with a retro fan!?!?!??!?!?!?!??! LURVE. 20140430-083130.jpg

This whole wall featured stuff mostly from January Jones who I bought my maps from for my gallery wall. HOW COOL to see her stuff in person/in a store. Huge fan. 20140430-083123.jpg

I recently started bike commuting to the light rail from my house on my new bike and I am sort of loving it. I typically end up standing next to a biker on the light rail with my bike and those biking fools are so nice. This sweatshirt would also look awesome covered in accidental smatters of chalk paint (inevitable). 20140430-083205.jpg

More bikes + Colorado = a good time. 20140430-083213.jpg

These last two really summed up the store: I love Colorado AND Keep Denver Awesome. 20140430-083158.jpg


Thanks for joining me for some Sunday Store Stalking! To see the other Store Stalking Sunday posts, well, click here.

Gallery Wall

You might remember from my post here that I have been dying to get a gallery wall done in the basement. Well, yesterday, with the help of my Sam, EUREKA! We did it: 20140218-163755.jpg From top left clockwise: Portland Trailblazers, Seahawks, Broncos, Denver Colorado Map, Bible Psalm lyrics, Into the Mystic, Australia Map, Zac Brown Band, Mumford Love print and Arizona map print. It is our lives on a wall and I love it! The big ol colorado flag in the middle was made by my friend Adam who sells his goods here.

Some other places that you can get free printables:a love one here, a home one (and a TON of others here), a baby one here, a kitchen set here, and more love ones here. You can also find daily printable updates from here.