Washington DC; The OTHER Washington

***TODAY is the last day to enter the Miss Money Bags Giveaway! You have until 5 pm MST! All you have to do is comment on the post! ENTER PEOPLE. ENTER! I took a trip to DC for work last week and came back totally exhausted. End post. Legit. So tired. Traveling with a sling is crappy, but I still managed to take some pictures for you all. Aren't I just the nicest?!?

Here are the few snaps of my trip that I was able to capture. First up, my room at the Crown Plaza Hamilton was nice... small but nice. It also had this cool mirror etching by the bed that displayed some of the "circles" in DC. There are a bunch and I can never keep them straight. I am such an informative tourist. IMG_5979 IMG_5980
































The biggest victory of this trip was actually my outfits. Sam came over before I left and helped me pick out my work gear for the week. I tell you what, having your bestie help you pick out clothes makes packing SO much easier. Congrats Sam. You're hired. IMG_5982






































































Now let me just talk about this last picture. We went to Rose's Luxury: Bon Appetite's number 1 new restaurant in America. We ate the whole menu and it was amazing. Our bill? $40 each. Bam. It was so good and the chef even took a menu and crossed out or modified all of the things that I could/n't eat. It was the best meal of life. So, eat there. Please. Just do it. Wait for a table and do it. IMG_6010

Everything is Not Always Pretty in Blogland

My dearest friend at work is pregnant. She's freshly out of her first trimester and walked into work today wearing the most adorable jersey knit dress (from Macy's), black leggings, and black flats. Her little bump is making her look skinnier. You read that right... skinnier. She looks adorable and, frankly, it's annoying. Now let me tell you about my outfit today: striped linen pants that I bought in Australia in 2005 (not a fake year; for real. It was 2005), a baggy crocheted sweater, a spring colored scarf because I grabbed it in the dark, boring brown flats and a blue sling. Now if that wasn't enough to get you excited about the disaster that is happening over here, this will for sure: I still can't raise my right arm over my head, so I can't really put my hair in a pony tail. I kind of crouch over and lean to get my hand sort of up there. I got it in a pony tail last night before bed and WALKED OUT THE DOOR WITHOUT TRYING TO TOUCH THE TOP OF MY HEAD AGAIN. This, ladies and gents, is the result:

hot mess

This isn't about comparing yourself to other women. It's not even about fashion at all. It's just this simple message that I have for you today: you win some, you lose some.