DIY Napkins For A Wedding... Or Life

Here comes Katie, doing her thing again. Although, to be fair to myself... I picked out the fabric with her AND measured and cut all of the 12 inches x 12 inches squares. I knew for my wedding that I wanted the touches of color to be subtle. Think white table cloths, burlap and lace runners, black lanterns, one mason jars that was blue with one pink bloom in it, frames spray painted blue with table names in them, vintage plates, forks and knives tied together with a doily & twine, and fun vintage napkins with the menus tucked inside of them like this:napkin fold

The problem? Fun vintage napkins in my color were about $30 for 4 napkins, and no, I did not add a zero.

So, Katie and I did what any good DIYers would do and pinterested our hearts out for sewing and dimension instructions, headed to the fabric store, bought 3 different kinds of fabric (3 yards of each) and got busy!

Sorry for the crappy pictures... this was before my super awesome camera showed up last night... :) :) :) Here is a peek at our fabric. 20140410-065704.jpg As I was cutting the squares, Katie started ironing them out. This part definitely takes the longest! She ironed them flat and then all four sides got folded over about 1/2 an inch and then pressed. She will eventually just run a quick stich through the edges to finish them off. 20140410-065620.jpg

20140410-065645.jpg These are the first batch with the sides folded and pressed. 20140410-065655.jpg

For about $60 in fabric, and a days worth of slave love labor, I think they are going to be adorable. This much fabric made 104, 12 x 12 napkins.

To see the final results look here.